The Pulaski High School Library Media Center is a place to go to find resources, engage, inquire, and create. We are here to support your academic needs, inspire your creative side with our maker spaces, and of course support your love of reading with new high-interest books for checkout.
Stop in and let us know how we can support you in your academic career!
Stop in and let us know how we can support you in your academic career!
Destiny Discover is our online catalogLog in using your MPS username and password, or use the login with Google option.
Sora contains our ebook and online audiobook collection.
Comics Plus®, has unlimited, simultaneous access to thousands of graphic novels, and manga. |
Do we not own a book or series that you think we should? Let us know with a book request form! |
Get personalized book recommendations from a personal book shopper. |
Using Destiny Discover you can put a book on hold and have it delivered to your English class, when it is available. |